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National Geographic Society joins Tool Foundry as a collaborator

We’re delighted to announce National Geographic Society is joining Tool Foundry. As a collaborator, the Society may provide additional monetary resources to accelerator applicants.

The Society supports Tool Foundry’s mission to advance accessible tools for scientific discovery, and its commitment to supporting low-cost tools that can help protect the planet, support living smarter, and activate the next generation to value the natural world and its people.

Teams that apply for the Tool Foundry accelerator may be eligible for additional resources from the Society. More information about this exclusive opportunity will be available in June.

Don’t miss out: Apply for the accelerator

Tool Foundry is looking for high-potential teams with prototypes for low-cost, physical tools that support inquiry, observation, and data collection across scientific domains.

As part of the accelerator, each cohort team will receive $50,000 in non-dilutive funding, expert mentorship, technical guidance, virtual learning modules, user testing opportunities, and an in-person boot camp at the Autodesk Technology Center in San Francisco.

Accelerator applications are due by 5:00 p.m. EDT on May 30, 2019.

Published: 05/17/2019